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  • Introduction

  • Purpose

  • Overview

  • Planning Phase Activities

  • Design Phase Activities

  • Execute Phase Activities

  • Reporting Phase Activities


  1. Access the link

  2. Fill in the details :

    1. First Name

    2. Last Name

    3. Email

    4. Organization

    5. Password

    6. Confirm Password

    7. Partner Code (if you have any)

  3. Select the checkbox for ‘I agree to the Terms of services’.

  4. Click on Create My Account button.
    You will receive an email on the registered email to confirm your account and reset the password if someone from your team created the account for you.

Watch a video :

The below video shows how to register a user on the Bq Platform.


Installing the client

  1. Login with your credentials.

  2. Click on the user icon, displayed in the top right corner.

  3. Click on Download Client.

  4. Once the file is downloaded, double click to run it.
    Ensure that you have a valid JRE 1.8+ installed and properly configured on your machine.

  5. Select the packs as per your requirement and follow through with the installation as directed in subsequent screenshots.

  6. When prompted, enter the credentials to successfully register the client. Select the browsers installed on your machine & click on Next.

  7. If you select the In-premise Install option, Bqurious populates the BQ Auth URL and BQ Node Server URL.
    In case, if they are not populated, please set the paths in environment variables and try again.

  8. Although BQ client auto detects the proxy settings. In case, you want to enter the proxy settings manually then select the radio button Enter Manually and enter proxy setting manually.

  9. Click on the Done button to complete the installation.

Watch a video :

The below video shows how to install a client before automating your tests.


Planning Phase Activities


  1. Click on Setup.

  2. Click on Project.

  3. Click on Add Project button.

  4. Enter details :

    1. Title

    2. Description (Optional)

    3. Start Date (Optional)

    4. End Date (Optional)

  5. Click on Save button.

  6. Click on Add Application button.

  7. Enter details :

    1. Title

    2. Description (Optional)

    3. Methodology : Agile / Waterfall
      If you select Agile, Sprint & User Story will be displayed as options under Plan.
      If you select Waterfall, Release & Requirement will be displayed as options under Plan.
      Please note that though the terminology is different, they work in similarly.

    4. Type : Web / SAP Windows Gui / Mobile Native / ETL

  8. Click on Save button.

Watch a video :

The below video shows how to create a project and application within the platform.


Create Sprint

  1. Click on Plan from left pane.

  2. Click on Sprint.
    This will redirect you to the Sprint Details screen.

  3. Click on Add Sprint button.

  4. Provide the sprint metadata :

    1. Sprint Name

    2. Sprint Description (Optional)

    3. Sprint Start Date (Optional)

    4. Sprint End Date (Optional)

  5. Click on Save button.

Watch a video :

The below video shows how to create a sprint.


Create User Story

  1. Click on Plan from left pane.

  2. Select User Story option.

  3. Click on Add Epic button.

  4. Enter Details :

    1. Name

    2. Description (Optional)

  5. Click on Save button.

  6. Click on Add Story button.
    User Story Details form will be displayed.

  7. Enter the user story meta data :

    1. User Story Title

    2. Select sprint from Planned in Sprint drop down in which user story is planned (Optional)

    3. Select sprint from Completed in Sprint drop down in which the user story planned to be completed (Optional)

    4. Select type of user story Functional / Non-functional from Type drop down

    5. Enter description about user story

    6. Define Risk

    7. Define As - a <role>, I Want <feature>, So That <reason> and Acceptance Criteria <Expected>

  8. Click on Save button.


  1. Click on Execute.

  2. Click on Execute Automated Test.

  3. Select the Suite that you wish to execute. You should be able to view the 'list of test cases' under that suite along with its 'Last Execution Details'.

  4. Select the test cases that you wish to execute.

  5. In the Execution Details section, please enter/select the below details. 

    • Run Name

    • Executing in Sprint (select the sprint in which you are executing the test cases)

    • Build Number

    • Browser instance (the number of browse instances you wish to run the test cases on)

    • Distributed across Machines (select the check box if you wish to distribute tests on various connected machines)

    • Execution Tags (if used any in the test cases)

    • Execute Tag First (if you wish to execute the tests tag wise)

    • Email execution Report To (email id to send the execution report to)

  6. If you expand the Advanced Settings section, you will see two options Uninstall App (Mobile) and Clear App Data (Mobile).
    Clear App Data (Mobile) checkbox will be checked by default. 

    The Request Capture section will also be displayed with the following fields :

    1. Enable Proxy checkbox

    2. Proxy Port

    3. Allow URL

  7. When you expand the Execution machine(s) section, you will see the Desktop/Device(s) section, where you should be able to view the connected machine's name & the browsers available on that machine (for Web) or the connected simulator/ emulator/ real devices (for Mobile).

  8. Select the browser/device on which you wish to execute the test case.

  9. Click on Run Selected button (if you have wish to execute selective test cases) or either click on Run All button (if you have wish to execute all test cases in the suite).

Watch a video :


Reporting Phase Activities

  1. Generating Reports

Export Execution Results
