Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Folder with name bqFolder should be created in advance




Example Usage



Web, Mobile

To create the folder append content (mentioned in Parameter 1) in the to an existing file (mentioned in Parameter 2) located in file system at location (mentioned in Parameter 23).

Param 1 : Text to append on the file
Param 2 : Name of the folder to create file that needs changes
Param 2 3 : Location to create folderof the file

Example :

createFolder : <Folder Name : bqFolder> appendTextToFile : <Text to Append : Bqurious Automation is world's first automation on cloud> <File Name : bqFile.txt> <Location : d:/bqLocation>

Creates folder bqFolder in file system at location Appends Bqurious Automation is world's first automation on cloud in file bqFile.txt located at d:/bqLocation


File with name bqFile.txt should be created in advance.



Web, Mobile

To delete the folder compare two files located at (location of first file mentioned in Parameter 1) and (location of the second file mentioned in Parameter 2). Header present - (mentioned in Parameter 3).

Param 1 : Path of the first file
Param 2 : Path of the second file
Param 3 : File contains header (true / false)

Example :

compareCSVFiles : <First File Path : d:/Test/File1.csv> <Second File Path : d:/Test/File2.csv> <Contains Header : false>

Compare files d:/Test/File1.csv and d:/Test/File2.csv where these files headers are not present


Files File1.csv and File2.csv should be created in advance


Web, Mobile

To compare two files located at (mentioned in Parameter2) from file system(location of first file mentioned in Parameter 1) and (location of the second file mentioned in Parameter 2) with filter (filter condition mentioned in Parameter 3).

If filter is not provided then only the matched columns will be compared.

Param 1 : Path of the first file
Param 2 : Path of the second file
Param 3 : Filter to compare files

Example :

compareCSVFilesWithFilter : <First File Path : d:/Test/File1.csv> <Second File Path : d:/Test/File2.csv> <Filter : companyName = bqurious>

Compares files d:/Test/File1.csv and d:/Test/File2.csv with filter companyName = bqurious


Files File1.csv and File2.csv should be created in advance


Web, Mobile

To create the folder (mentioned in Parameter 1) in the file system at location (mentioned in Parameter 2) .

Param 1 : Name of the folder to deletecreate
Param 2 : Location to delete create folder

Example :

deleteFolder createFolder : <Folder Name : bqFolder> <Location : d:/bqLocation>

Deleted Creates folder bqFolder in file system at location d:/bqLocation.



Web, Mobile

To copy the folder (mentioned in Parameter 1) from source location (mentioned in Parameter 2) to specified destination location (mentioned in Parameter 3).

Param 1 : Name of the folder to copy
Param 2 : Location to copy folder from (Source Location)
Param 3 : Location to copy folder to (Destination Location)

Example :

copyFolder : <Folder Name : bqFolder> <Source Location : d:/bqSourceLocation> <Destination Location : d:/bqDestinationLocation>

Copies folder bqFolder from source location d:/bqSourceLocation to destination location d:/bqDestinationLocation.


Folder with name bqFolder should be created in advance.




Web, Mobile

To create the file (mentioned in Parameter 1) in the file system at location (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name of the file to create
Param 2 : Location to create file

Example :

createFile : <File Name : bqfile.txt> <Location : d:/bqLocation>

Creates file bqfile.txt in file system at location d:/bqLocation.


Web, Mobile

To move copy the folder file (mentioned in Parameter 1) from source location (mentioned in Parameter 2) and paste it to specified destination location (mentioned in Parameter 3). 

Param 1 : Name of the folder file to movecopy
Param 2 : Location to move folder copy file from (Source Location)
Param 3 : Location to move folder copy file to (Destination Location)

Example :

moveFolder coppyFile : <Folder <File Name : bqFolder> bqfile.txt> <Source Location : d:/bqSourceLocation> <Destination Location : d:/bqDestinationLocation>

Moves folder bqFolder Copies file bqfile.txt from source location d:/bqSourceLocation to destination location d:/bqDestinationLocation.


Folder File with name bqFolder bqfile.txt should be created in advance.



Web, Mobile

To create delete the file folder (mentioned in Parameter 1) in the file system located at location (mentioned in Parameter 2Parameter2) from file system.

Param 1 : Name of the file folder to create delete
Param 2 : Location to create filedelete folder

Example :

createFile deleteFolder : <File <Folder Name : bqfile.txt> bqFolder> <Location : d:/bqLocation>

Creates file bqfile.txt Deleted folder bqFolder in file system at location d:/bqLocation.


Folder with name bqFolder should be created in advance.


Web, Mobile

To delete the file (mentioned in Parameter 1) from file system location (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name of the file to delete
Param 2 : Location to delete file

Example :

deleteFile : <File Name : bqfile.txt> <Location : d:/bqLocation>

Deletes file bqfile.txt in file system at location d:/bqLocation.


File with name bqfile.txt should be created in advance.



Web, Mobile

To copy move the file folder (mentioned in Parameter 1) from source location (mentioned in Parameter 2) and paste it to specified destination location (mentioned in Parameter 3). 

Param 1 : Name of the file folder to copymove
Param 2 : Location to copy file move folder from (Source Location)
Param 3 : Location to copy file move folder to (Destination Location)

Example :

coppyFile moveFolder : <File <Folder Name : bqfile.txt> bqFolder> <Source Location : d:/bqSourceLocation> <Destination Location : d:/bqDestinationLocation>

Copies file bqfile.txt Moves folder bqFolder from source location d:/bqSourceLocation to destination location d:/bqDestinationLocation.


File Folder with name bqfile.txt bqFolder should be created in advance.


Web, Mobile

To move the file (mentioned in Parameter 1) from source location (mentioned in Parameter 2) to specified location (mentioned in Parameter 3).

Param 1 : Name of the file to move
Param 2 : Location to move file from (Source Location)
Param 3 : Location to move file to (Destination Location)

Example :

moveFile : <File Name : bqfile.txt> <Source Location : d:/bqSourceLocation> <Destination Location : d:/bqDestinationLocation>

Moves the file bqfile.txt from source location d:/bqSourceLocation to destination location d:/bqDestinationLocation.

Example :

writeToFile : <Text to Write : Hello, Welcome to BQurious> <File Name : bqFile

File with name bqfile.txt should be created in advance.


Web, Mobile

To overwrite the existing file (mentioned in Parameter 2) located in file system (mentioned in Parameter 3) with new text (mentioned in Parameter 1). 

Param 1 : Text to write on the file
Param 2 : Name of the file on which text needs to be written
Param 3 : Location of the file


txt> <Location : d:/bqLocation>Writes Hello, Welcome to BQurious in file bqFile.


located at d:/bqLocation.

File with name bqFile.txt should be created in advance.



To read the file (mentioned in Parameter 1) from the location (mentioned in Parameter 2) and store the contents in variable (mentioned in Parameter 3).

Param 1 : Name of the file to read
Param 2 : Location of the file
Param 3 : Variable name to store file contents

Example :

readFileAndStore : <File Name : bqfile.txt> <Source Location : d:/bqSourceLocation> <In Variable : bqVariable>

Reads the file bqfile.txt from location d:/bqSourceLocation and stores contents into variable


File bqfile.txt should be present at location d:/bqSourceLocation



Web, Mobile

To append content (mentioned in Parameter 1) to an overwrite the existing file (mentioned in Parameter 2) located in file system (mentioned in Parameter 3) with new text (mentioned in Parameter 1). 

Param 1 : Text to append write on the file
Param 2 : Name of the file that needs changeson which text needs to be written
Param 3 : Location of the file

Example :

appendTextToFile writeToFile : <Text to Append : Bqurious Automation is world's first automation on cloud> Write : Hello, Welcome to BQurious> <File Name : bqFile.txt> <Location : d:/bqLocation>

Appends Bqurious Automation is world's first automation on cloud Writes Hello, Welcome to BQurious in file bqFile.txt located at d:/bqLocation.


File with name bqFile.txt should be created in advance.


Web, Mobile

To compare two files located at (location of first file mentioned in Parameter 1) and (location of the second file mentioned in Parameter 2). Header present - (mentioned in Parameter 3).

Param 1 : Path of the first file
Param 2 : Path of the second file
Param 3 : File contains header (true / false)

Example :

compareCSVFiles : <First File Path : d:/Test/File1.csv> <Second File Path : d:/Test/File2.csv> <Contains Header : false>

Compare files d:/Test/File1.csv and d:/Test/File2.csv where these files headers are not present


Files File1.csv and File2.csv should be created in advance


Web, Mobile

To compare two files located at (location of first file mentioned in Parameter 1) and (location of the second file mentioned in Parameter 2) with filter (filter condition mentioned in Parameter 3).

If filter is not provided then only the matched columns will be compared.

Param 1 : Path of the first file
Param 2 : Path of the second file
Param 3 : Filter to compare files

Example :

compareCSVFilesWithFilter : <First File Path : d:/Test/File1.csv> <Second File Path : d:/Test/File2


csv> <Filter : companyName = bqurious>

Compares files d:/Test/File1.csv and d:/Test/File2.csv with filter companyName = bqurious


Files File1.csv and File2.csv should be created in advance