Versions Compared


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Example Usage



To verify the text (mentioned in Parameter 1) id displayed on alert/popup.

Param 1 : Expected alert text to verify
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyAlertExists : <Expected Text : Are you sure you want to log out?> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies text Are you sure you want to log out? is displayed on the alert.



To verify all the options available in drop-down/multi-select object (mentioned in objectName). 

Param 1 : Comma separated list of expected items
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyAllOptionsInList : <Object : bqSelectbox> <Expected Comma Separated List Items : Option1, Option2> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies if Option1 & Option2 are displayed as option list items in object bqSelectbox.



To verify all the items available in spinner object (mentioned in objectName).

Param 1 : Expected spinner items separated by comma
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyAllItemsInSpinner : <Object : bqSpinner> <Expected Comma Separated Spinner Items : Option1, Option2> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies if Option1 & Option2 are displayed as option list in object bqSpinner.



To verify the comma separated tabs (mentioned in Parameter 1) exist in TabStrip (mentioned in Object Name).

Param 1 : Expected tab names separated by comma
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyAllTabsExist : <Object : AssetTabStrip> <Expected Comma Separated Tab name : Allocation, Resource> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies Allocation, Resource tabs exist in Tab Strip AssetTabStrip.



To verify if Bluetooth is enabled on device.

Example :


Verifies if Bluetooth is enabled on device or not.



To verify if Bluetooth is disabled on device.

Example :


Verifies if Bluetooth is disabled on device or not.



To verify the count of total Bluetooth devices connected.

Param 1 : Expected count

Example :

verifyConnectedDeviceCount : <Count : 5>

Verifies that the count of the total Bluetooth devices connected is 5.



To verify if checkbox (mentioned in objectName) is checked.

Param 1 (Optional) : Timeout (in seconds)

Example :

verifyChecked : <Object : bqCheckbox> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies if checkbox bqCheckbox is checked or not.


Web, Mobile

To verify the value (mentioned in Parameter) is decimal.

 If test object (mentioned in bqObject) is provided, the value of object is verified.

Param 1 : Value to verify

Example :

verifyDecimal : <Value : 12.5>

Verifies that the mentioned value 12.5 is a decimal value.

verifyDecimal : <Object : bqObject> <Value : 12.5>

Verifies that the mentioned value 12.5 of bqObject is a decimal value.



To verify if the object (mentioned in objectName) is enabled. 

Param 1 (Optional) : Timeout (in seconds)

Example :

verifyEnabled : <Object : bqObject> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies if object bqObject is enabled or not.



To verify if the object (mentioned in objectName) is disabled. 

Param 1 (Timeout) : Timeout (in seconds)

Example :

verifyDisabled : <Object : bqObject> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies if object bqObject is disabled or not.



To verify if object (mentioned in objectName) is visible on the screen. 

Param 1 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyElementVisible : <Object : bqObject> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies object bqObject is displayed on the screen.



To verify if object (mentioned in objectName) is not visible on the screen.

Param 1 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyElementNotVisible : <Object : bqObject> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies object bqObject is not displayed on the screen.



To verify the element (mentioned in ObjectName) has value (mentioned in Parameter 1).

Param 1 : Element value to be verified
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyElementValue : <Object : bqTextbox> <Value : bqurious> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies if element bqTextbox has value bqurious.


Web, Mobile

To verify that the specified values in Parameter 1 and Parameter 2 are equal.

Param 1 : Value1 to compare
Param 2 : Value2 to compare

Example :

verifyEqual : <Left Value to Compare : Bqurious> <Right Value to Compare : Bqurious>

Verifies the left value Bqurious & right value Bqurious are equal.


Web, Mobile

To verify that the element value (mentioned in object) or value (mentioned in Parameter 1) is empty.

Param 1 : Value to be verified

Example :

verifyEmpty : <Object : bqObject> <Value : >

Verifies that object’s value is empty.



To verify element (mentioned in Object Name) has attribute (mentioned in Parameter 1) with value (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name of the attribute
Param 2 : Value to the attribute

Example :

verifyElementAttributeValueContains : <Object : bqObject> <Attribute Name : bqClass> <Attribute Value : bqBold>

Verifies bqObject has attribute bqClass with value bqBold.



To verify that the element (mentioned in Object Name) has property (mentioned in Parameter 1) with value (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : The css property
Param 2 : Value of the css property

Example :

verifyElemntCssContains : <Object : bqObject> <Css property : height> <Property Value : 170>

Verifies bqObject has property height with value 170.



To verify if folder (mentioned in Parameter 1) exists in file system at location (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name of the folder
Param 2 : Location of the folder

Example :

verifyFolderExists : <Folder Name : bqFolder> <Location : d:/bqLocation>

Verifies if bqFolder exists in local file system at location d:/bqLocation.



To verify if file (mentioned in Parameter 1) exists in file system at location (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name of the file
Param 2 : Location of the file

Example :

verifyFileExists : <File Name : bqfile.txt> <Location : d:/bqLocation>

Verifies if bqfile.txt exists in local file system at location d:/bqLocation.



To verify the count (mentioned in Parameter 1) of radio buttons under a radio group object (mentioned in objectName) displayed on the screen.

Param 1 : Expected count of the radio buttons
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyItemCountInRadioGroup : <Object : bqRadioGroup> <Expected Radio Buttons Count : 4> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies that the count of radio buttons, displayed under radio group object bqRadioGroup, is 4.


Web, Mobile

To verify the value (mentioned in Parameter) is an integer.

If test object (mentioned in bqObject) is provided, the value of object is verified. Precedence is on the object value.

Param 1 : Value to verify

Example :

verifyInteger : <Value : 12>

Verifies that the mentioned value 12 is an integer.

verifyDecimal : <Object : bqObject> <Value : 12>

Verifies that the mentioned value 12 of bqObject is an integer.



To verify if checkbox is not checked.

Param 1 (Optional) : Timeout (in seconds)

Example :

verifyNotChecked : <Object : bqCheckbox> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies if checkbox bqCheckbox is un-checked or not.



To verify that the specified item (mentioned in Parameter 1) is not selected in spinner object (mentioned in objectName). 

Param 1 : Expected spinner item
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyNotSelectedItemInSpinner : <Object : bqSpinner> <Expected Spinner Item : Option1> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies Option1 is not selected in object bqSpinner


Web, Mobile

To verify that the element value (mentioned in object) or value (mentioned in Parameter 1) is not empty.

Param 1 : Value to be verified

Example :

verifyNotEmpty : <Object : bqObject> <Value : >

Verifies that object’s value is not empty.



To verify the total count of the available options in drop-down/multi-select object (mentioned in objectName). 

Param 1 : Expected count of the list items
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyOptionCountInList : <Object : bqSelectbox> <Expected List Item Count : 2> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies that the option count in list is 2, in object bqSelectbox.



To verify if radio-button is selected.

Param 1 (Optional) : Timeout (in seconds)

Example :

verifyRadioSelected : <Object : bqRadiobutton> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies if radio button bqRadiobutton is checked or not.



To verify if radio-button is not selected.

Param 1 (Optional) : Timeout (in seconds)

Example :

verifyRadioNotSelected : <Object : bqRadiobutton> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies if radio button bqRadiobutton is un-checked or not.


Web, Mobile

To verify the data present in request params.

Param 1 : URL to verify
Param 2 : Type of the request param
Param 3 : Params to be verified

Example :

verifyRequest : <Request URL : bqurious> <Request Param Type : Header> <Params To Verify : {"Host":"","User":"userName"

Verifies if {"Host":"","User":"userName"} is present in request Header in URL bqurious.



To verify the options (mentioned in Parameter 1) displayed under radio group object (mentioned in objectName) on screen.

Param 1 : Expected Radio Group options mentioned by comma separation
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyRadioGroupOptions : <Object : bqRadioGroup> <Expected Comma Separated Radio Group Options : Option1, Option2, Option3> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies Option1, Option2 & Option3 are displayed as radio buttons under radio group bqRadioGroup.



To verify all the options (mentioned in Parameter 1) available in spinner object (mentioned in objectName). 

Param 1 : Comma separated values to verify
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifySpinnerItemsExist : <Object : bqSpinner> <Comma Separated Spinner Items : Option1, Option2> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies if Option1 and Option2 are displayed as option list in object bqSpinner.



To verify the options (mentioned in Parameter 1) are not available in spinner object (mentioned in objectName). 

Param 1 : Comma separated values to verify
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifySpinnerItemsDoNotExist : <Object : bqSpinner> <Comma Separated Spinner Items : Option1, Option2> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies if Option1 and Option2 are not displayed as option list in object bqSpinner.



To verify that the specified item (mentioned in Parameter 1) is selected in spinner object (mentioned in objectName). 

Param 1 : Expected spinner item
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifySelectedItemInSpinner : <Object : bqSpinner> <Expected Spinner Item : Option1> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies Option1 is selected in object bqSpinner 



To verify if text (mentioned in Parameter 1) is displayed n number of times.

Param 1 : Text to verify
Param 2 : Text count to verify

Example :

verifyTextCount : <Expected Text : Automate> <Expected Count : 5>

Verifies if text Automate is displayed 5 times on the screen



To verify if tab (mentioned in ObjectName) with tab name (mentioned in Parameter 1) exists.

Param 1 : Name of the tab
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyTabExists : <Object : AssetTabStrip> <Tab Name : Allocation> <Timeeout : 30>

Verifies that tab AssetTabStrip with tab name Allocation exists.



To verify if tab name or index (mentioned in Parameter 1) does not exist in TabStrip (mentioned in Object Name).

Param 1 : Name / Index of tab
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyTabDoesNotExist : <Object : AssetTabStrip> <Tab Name/Index : Allocation> <Timeeout : 30>

Verifies that tab AssetTabStrip with tab name Allocation does not exist.



To verify that tab name (mentioned in Parameter 1) is not selected in TabStrip (mentioned in Object Name).

Param 1 : Name of the tab
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyTabNotSelected : <Object : AssetTabstrip> <Tab Name : Allocation> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies Allocation tab is not selected in Tab Strip AssetTabStrip



To verify that tab name (mentioned in Parameter 1) is selected in TabStrip (mentioned in Object Name).

Param 1 : Name of the tab
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyTabSelected : <Object : AssetTabstrip> <Tab Name : Allocation> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies Allocation tab is selected in Tab Strip AssetTabStrip



To verify if the toggle button object (mentioned in objectName) state is true or false (state mentioned in Parameter 1).

Param 1 : Expected state of toggle button
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyToggleButtonState : <Object : bqToggleButton> <Expected Toggle State : TRUE> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies that the bqToggleButton state is true or not. The test step will only pass if state is equal to state mentioned in Parameter 1.



To verify the total number of tabs in tabStrip (mentioned in Object Name) is same as the value mentioned in Parameter 1.

Param 1 : Total number of tabs
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyTabsCount : <Object : AssetTabStrip> <Total Tabs : 5> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies AssetTabStrip contains 5 tabs in total.



To verify the specified text (mentioned in Parameter 1) exists on page.

If object (mentioned in ObjectName) is provided, the text will be searched in the object only.

Param 1 : Text to verify
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyTextExistsOnDevice : <Text to Verify : bqurious> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies text bqurious exists on page.

verifyTextExistsOnDevice : <Object : bqObject> <Text to Verify : bqurious> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies text bqurious exists in the mentioned object bqObject.



To verify the specified text (mentioned in Parameter 1) does not exist on page.

If object (mentioned in ObjectName) is provided, the text will be searched in the object only.

Param 1 : Text to verify
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyTextDoesNotExistOnDevice : <Text to Verify : bqurious> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies text bqurious does not exist on page.

verifyTextDoesNotExistOnDevice : <Object : bqObject> <Text to Verify : bqurious> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies text bqurious does not exist in the mentioned object bqObject.


Web, Mobile

To verify if the column (mentioned in Parameter 2) value from row (row index mentioned in Parameter 3) is equal to specified value (mentioned in Parameter 1).

Param 1 : Value to verify
Param 2 : Column name / Index of the value to be verified
Param 3 : Row index of the value to be verified

Example :

verifyValueInExcelCell : <Value : bqProduct> <Column Name / Index : Product Name> <Row Index : 7>

Verifies that the value at column Product Name, row 7 is bqProduct.


Web, Mobile

To verify the actual screen with the existing screen. 

Example :

visualDiff : <Object : bqElement01>

Verifies the screen that has element bqElement01 is similar to the screen already captured.
