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Example Usage



To click the link (index mentioned in Parameter 3) located at Column (Name or Index mentioned in Parameter 1) and Row number (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name / Index of the Column
Param 2 : Index of the row
Param 3 : Index of the link

Example :

clickLinkInTableCell : <Object : bqTable> <Column name / Index : Col1> <Row Index : 3> <Link Index : 2>

Clicks on the second link located at Column Col1 and row 3 in table bqTable.



To click the link (name or index mentioned in Parameter 4) located at Column (Name mentioned in Parameter 3) and Row number will be identified by value (mentioned in Parameter 2) under column (mentioned in Parameter 1). 

Param 1 : Name / Index of the Source Column
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Name / Index of the Target Column
Param 4 : Link text / Index

Example :

clickLinkInTableCellRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name/Index : Col1> <Cell Value : 000000027> <Target Column Name / Index : Col2> <Link Text / Index : 2>

Clicks on the second link located at Column Col2 and row where value is 000000027 under column Col1 in table bqTable



To click in the cell, located at target column (mentioned in Parameter 3), and row identified under source column (mentioned in Parameter 1) with cell value (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name of the Source Column
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Name of the Target Column
Param 4 : Target XPath

Example 1:

clickInTableCellRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Case Number> <Cell Value : 000000027> <Target Column Name : Status> <Target XPath : >

Clicks at cell located at target column Status and row with source column Case Number and cell value as 000000027 in table bqTable.

Example 2 :

clickInTableCellRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : File> <Cell Value : SampleTests> <Target Column Name : Delete> <Target XPath : .//span>

Clicks on target XPath located at target column Delete and row with source column File and cell value as SampleTests in table bqTable.



To click in the cell located at column (mentioned in Parameter 1) and row (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name of the Column
Param 2 : Row number
Param 3 : Target XPath

Example 1 :

clickInTableCell : <Object : bqTable> <Column Name : Col1> <Row Number : 3> <Target XPath : >

Clicks at cell located at column Col1 and row number 3 in table bqTable.

Example 2 :

clickInTableCell : <Object : bqTable> <Column Name : Delete> <Row Number : 1> <Target XPath : .//span>

Clicks on target XPath located at column Delete and row number 1 in table bqTable.



To click the Image (Image index mentioned in Parameter 3) located at (Column Name or Index mentioned in Parameter 1 and Row number mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name / Index of Column having image
Param 2 : Index of Row
Param 3 : Index of Image

Example :

clickImageInTableCell : <Object : bqTable > <Column Name/Index : Col1> <Row Index : 3> <Image Index : 2>

Clicks the second image located at Column Col1 and row 3 in table bqTable.



To copy the total number of rows inside the table (table mentioned in Object Name) into variable (variable mentioned in parameter 1).

Param 1 : Variable name to store value

Example :

copyTableRowCount : <Object : COMPANYTABLE> <In Variable : rowCount>

Copies the total number of rows inside the table COMPANYTABLE into variable rowCount



To copy the total number of columns inside the table (table mentioned in Object Name) into variable (variable mentioned in parameter 1).

Param 1 : Variable name to store value

Example :

copyTableColumnCount : <Object : COMPANYTABLE> <In Variable : columnCount>

Copies the total number of columns inside the table COMPANYTABLE into variable columnCount



To copy the cell value, at column (mentioned in Parameter 1) and row number (source column name mentioned in Parameter 2), in (variable mentioned in Parameter 3) from table (mentioned in object name).

Param 1 : Name of the source column
Param 2 : Index of the row
Param 3 : Variable name to store value

Example :

copyCellValueFromTable : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : organization> <Row Index : 3> <In Variable : bqVariable >

Copies cell value in bqVariable from table bqTable for column organization for row number 3



To copy the cell value, at column (mentioned in Parameter 3) at row identified by column(source column name mentioned in Parameter 1) and row(mentioned in Parameter 2), in (variable mentioned in Parameter 4) from table (mentioned in object name).

Param 1 : Name of the source column
Param 2 : Source Column cell value
Param 3 : Name of the target column
Param 4 : Variable name to store value

Example :

copyCellValueFromTableRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Status > <Cell Value : Running > <Target Column Name : organization > <In Variable : bqVariable >

Copies cell value in bqVariable from table bqTable for column organization for row number identified with source column Status with value Running



To de-select the checkbox (index mentioned in Parameter 3, by default it is 1) with column (mentioned in Parameter 1) and Row number (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name / Index of the Source Column
Param 2 : Index of the row
Param 3 : Index of the checkbox

Example :

deSelectCheckBoxInTable : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name / Index : Case Number> <Row Index : 4> <Checkbox Index : 2>

De-selects the second checkbox in column Case Number and row 4 in table bqTable.



To de-select the checkbox (index mentioned in Parameter 3, by default the index is 1) with Row number, identified by value (mentioned in Parameter 2) under column (mentioned in Parameter 1).

Param 1 : Name / Index of the Source Column
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Index of the checkbox

Example :

deSelectCheckBoxInTableRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name / Index : Col1> <Cell Value : 000000027> <Checkbox Index : 2>

De-selects the second checkbox in row identified with value 000000027 under column Col1 in table bqTable.



To check the condition if cell value, at column (mentioned in Parameter 1) and row number (mentioned in Parameter 2), is (value mentioned in Parameter 3) in table (mentioned in object name).

Param 1 : Name / Index of Source Column
Param 2 : Index of the Row
Param 3 : Cell Value

Example :

ifCellValueInTable : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name/Index : Case Number> <Row Index : 1> <Value : In-Progress>

To check if cell value is In-Progress from table bqTable for column Case Number for row number 1



To check the condition if cell value, at column (mentioned in parameter 3) and row number identified with source Column (mentioned in Parameter 1) and row value (mentioned in parameter 2), is (value mentioned in Parameter 4) in table (mentioned in object name).

Param 1 : Name / Index of Source Column
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Name of Target Column
Param 4 : Value

Example :

ifCellValueInTableRelative <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name/Index : Case Number> <Cell Value : 1000034> <Target Column Name : Status > <Value : In-Progress>

To check if cell value is In-Progress in table bqTable for column Status for row number identified with source column Case Number and value 1000034



To select the checkbox (index mentioned in Parameter 3, by default it is 1) with column (mentioned in Parameter 1) and Row number (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name / Index of the Source Column
Param 2 : Index of the row
Param 3 : Index of the checkbox

Example :

selectCheckBoxInTable : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name / Index : Case Number> <Row Index : 4> <Checkbox Index : 2>

Selects the second checkbox in column Case Number and row 4 in table bqTable.



To select the checkbox (index mentioned in Parameter 3, by default it is 1) with Row number, identified by value (mentioned in Parameter 2) under column (mentioned in Parameter 1). 

Param 1 : Name / Index of the Source Column
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Index of the checkbox

Example :

selectCheckBoxInTableRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name / Index : Col1> <Cell Value : 000000027> <Checkbox Index : 2>

Selects the second checkbox in row identified with value 000000027 under column Col1 in table bqTable.



To select the radio button (mentioned in Parameter 3, by default the index is 1) with column (mentioned in Parameter 1) and row number (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name / Index of the Source Column
Param 2 : Index of Row
Param 3 : Index of radio to be selected

Example :

selectRadioButtonInTable : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name/Index : Case Number> <Row Index : 4> <Radio Index : 2>

Selects the second radio in column Case Number and row 4 in table bqTable



To enter the value (mentioned in parameter 1) in textbox, identified by Column name (mentioned in Parameter 2) and row number (mentioned in Parameter 3).

Param 1 : Value to set
Param 2 : Name of the column to set value
Param 3 : Row number to set value in textbox
Param 4 (Optional) : Index of textbox, if multiple textboxes available for the specified row
Param 5 (Optional) : Execution mode

Example :

setValueInTableCell : <Object : bqTable> <Value : bqurious> <Column Name : Organization> <Row Number : 1> <Index, if multiple textbox : 2> <Execution Mode : >

Enters the value bqurious in second textbox, located at Column Organization and Row 1 in table bqTable.



To select the option (visible text of option mentioned in parameter 1) in select box with index (index number mentioned in Parameter4, if multiple select boxes exist in cell) identified by Column (Name or Index mentioned in Parameter 2) and Row number (mentioned in Parameter 3).

Param 1 : Value to select
Param 2 : Name / Index of Column
Param 3 : Index of the Row
Param 4 : Index of select box, if multiple select box exist

Example :

selectByTextInListInTable : <Object : bqTable> <Value : bqurious> <Column Name/Index : Organization> <Row Index : 1> <Index, if multiple select box : 2>

Selects the option bqurious in second select box located at column Organization and row 1 in table bqTable



To select the value (mentioned in parameter 4) in select box with index (index number mentioned in Parameter 5), if multiple select boxes exist in cell) under Target column (mentioned in parameter 3) identified by source Column (Name or Index mentioned in Parameter 1) and it’s cell value (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Source Column Name
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Target Column Name
Param 4 : Value to Select
Param 5 : Index, if multiple select box

Example :

selectByTextInListInTableRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Organization> <Cell Value : Bqurious> <Target Column Name : Department> <Value to Select : Developer> <Index, if multiple select box : 2>

Selects the option Developer in second select box located at column Department and identified by Source column Organization with cell value as Bqurious in table bqTable.



To select the radio button (index mentioned in Parameter 3, by default the index is 1) in row with cell value (mentioned in Parameter 2) in source column (mentioned in Parameter 1).

Param 1 : Name of the source column
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Index of the radio button

Example :

selectRadioButtonInTableRelative : <ecObjt : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Case Number> <Cell Value : 000000027> <Radio Index : 2>

Selects the second radio in row with cell value 000000027 in column Case Number in table bqTable.


Web, Mobile

To verify the total number of rows in the table (mentioned in object) are equal to the number of rows mentioned in parameter 1.

Param 1 : Expected total number of rows
Param 2 (Optional) : Timeout

Example :

verifyTableRowCount : <Object : companyTable> <Total Rows : 30> <Timeout : 30>

Verifies the total number of rows in table companyTable are 30.



To verify the total number of columns in the table (mentioned in object) are equal to the number of columns mentioned in parameter 1.

Param 1 : Expected total number of columns

Example :

verifyTableColumnCount : <Object : companyTable> <Total Rows : 5>

Verifies the total number of columns in table companyTable is 5.



To check, if table(mentioned in Object name) exists.

Example :

verifyTableExists : <Object : COMPANYTABLE >

Verifies if the table COMPANYTABLE exists.



To verify if the cell, at column (mentioned in Parameter 1) and row number (mentioned in Parameter 2), value is (value mentioned in Parameter 3).

Param 1 : Name / index of the source column
Param 2 : Row index
Param 3 : Value at row index

Example :

verifyCellValueInTable : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name/Index : Col1> <Row Index : 4> <Value : 000000027>

 Verifies that the value of cell, at column Col1 and row number 4, is 000000027 in table bqTable



To verify if the cell in column (mentioned in Parameter 3) and row identified with column (mentioned in Parameter 1) and row value (value mentioned in Parameter 2), value is (value mentioned in Parameter 4).

Param 1 : Name of the source column
Param 2 : Cell value under the source column
Param 3 : Name of the target column
Param 4 : Value under the target column

Example :

verifyCellValueInTableRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Case Number> <Cell Value : 000000027> <Target Column Name : Status > <Value : closed >

Verifies, if the cell, at column Status and row identified with column Case Number and row value 000000027, value is closed in table bqTable.
