
These keywords help us to execute a set of instructions in a loop.

Suppose you wish to execute a set for instructions within for loop.

Structure :

for <parameter>

<steps to execute>




Example Usage



Example Usage


Web, Mobile

To exit the for loop. 


Example :


Exits the for loop.


Web, Mobile

To exit the forEach loop. 


Example :


Exits the forEach loop.


Web, Mobile

To end the for loop.


Example :


Ends the for loop.


Web, Mobile

To end the forEach loop.


Example :


Ends the forEach loop.


Web, Mobile

To execute the loop with starting index (mentioned in Parameter 1) and end index (mentioned in Parameter 2). Counter index will be stored in counter variable (mentioned in Parameter 3).

Param 1 : Index to start loop from
Param 2 : Index to end loop
Param 3 : Variable to store counter value in

Example :

for : <Starting Index : 1> <Ending Index : 5> <Counter In Variable : counter>

Executes the for loop with starting index 1, ends the loop at index 5 and stores the counter value in variable counter.


Web, Mobile

To execute the loop for each values (mentioned in Parameter 1). Parameter 2 will store the value at specific index. Counter index will be stored in counter variable (mentioned in Parameter 3).

Param 1 : Comma separated values to execute on
Param 2 : Variable name to store the current value during execution
Param 3 : Variable to store counter value in

Example :

forEach : <Comma Separated Values : 00000001,000000002, 0000000003> <In Variable to Store Values : currValue> <Counter in Variable : counter>

Executes the loop for values 00000001,000000002, 0000000003 and stores counter index in counter variable. The actual value at counter index will be stored in currValue during execution.



To update the loop counter variable with value (value mentioned in parameter 1) to set the data row to pick for next iteration.

Param 1 : Value to be updated in the loop counter

Example :

updateLoopCounter : <Value to Update : 2>

Suppose you use for loop with starting index as 1, ending index as 8 and the counter value is stored in variable bqCounter.

The normal for loop should execute all the values one by one, if the starting index is 1 and ending index is 8.
Now, let's update the counter value by 2 in the test script.
The data for first row will be executed normally and the counter value will become 1.
Now updateLoopCounter keyword will be executed and the counter value will be (1 + 2) = 3
So, the data for row 3 will be executed and the counter value will become 4.
The updateLoopCounter keyword will be executed again and the counter value will be (4 + 2) = 6
This time, the data for row 6 will be executed and the counter value will become 7 and the loop is continued so on.

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