Executing tests on multiple machines

Pre-requisite :

  • Test should be added to the suite.

  • User should be on the execution screen.


  1. Select the suite.

  2. Select the test.

  3. In the Execution Details section, please enter/select the below details. 

    • Run Name (Mandatory)

    • Executing in Sprint

    • Build Number

    • Browser instance

    • Distributed across Machines

    • Execution Tags (if any)

    • Execute Tag First

    • Email To

  4. Expand the Execution machine(s) section.

  5. For the desired machines, select multiple browsers on which you wish to execute the test case.
    For Example :
    Machine 1 : Chrome, Mozilla
    Machine 2 : Chrome, IE

  6. Click on Run Selected button

The live execution window will display the test case status as below.