Creating Tests

This section describes how you can create Tests using the C-SAPS™ platform. 

There are two ways of creating Automated Test, using Bq Genie to record your actions, or using the Grid like interface to manually create tests. We suggest a combination of these two approaches. 

First, create the bulk of your test by recording your actions and then use the Grid interface to perform modifications like parameterization and other such maintenance tasks.

In Bqurious, tests could be regular tests or business components.  

Business Components

Business Components are reusable tests that can be called from other regular tests and they differ from regular tests in the following ways:

  1. Can not include any other business component

  2. Can be called from regular tests 

  3. Can not be run as standalone tests

  4. Parameterization via data grid is limited to default data set.

When to Use Business Components?

  • When you want to reuse a set of steps across multiple tests.

    For example, in an e-commerce site, you could create "Product Search", "Add to Cart" business components that could be used in various workflows requiring you to add product to the shopping cart.

  • When you want to modularize your tests for easy collaboration between the team.

    For example, you may want to check whether an order placed from the web app has correctly been added to the database. DB developer could create a Business component that creates a DB connect and makes the appropriate SQL query for validations, while the Test Engineer would just include this component in his test.

  • When you are working across multiple technologies.

    For example, an order is placed from a Web Application which is further send to SAP for fulfillment. The SAP team would create a business component for verifying whether an order has been created in SAP. This component would then be used by the Web team as part of their Order workflow. This promotes collaboration and efficient distribution of work.


Modules are a way to organize your Tests and Business Components in folders. Modules could be feature names, defect numbers or any other way you want to organize your Tests and Components.

Organizing your tests in well defined Modules give you the ability to generate more meaningful analytics.

Adding a New Module

Adding a New Module

Adding a New Test

Creating a New Automated Test

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