Drag & Drop

This keyword helps to drag and drop an element.

Suppose we wish to move an object from source location to the destination location.

We store the element (destination location) in a variable using keyword findAndStoreElement & then use dragAndDrop keyword to drag and drop the element from source location to the destination location.

Structure :

findAndStoreElement <parameter>

dragAndDrop <parameter>




Example Usage



Example Usage


Web, Mobile

To drag the element (mentioned in Object Name) to location (mentioned in Parameter 1).

Please use keyword 'findAndStoreElement' before using the keyword dragAndDrop.

Param 1 : Name of the drop object

Example :

Suppose a webpage has two elements :

Element 1 : bqObject (element to drag and drop)
Element 2 : dropZone (element where the item needs to be dropped)

dragAndDrop : <Object : bqObject> <Object Name to Drop : dropZone>

Drags the element bqObject to dropZone.