String Handling

The string handling keywords are helpful to perform operations on string.

Suppose you have two separate strings and you wish to use the concatenated value in a specific text field.

Structure :

launchApp <parameter>

<steps to execute>

concatAndCopyString <parameter>

<further steps to execute>




Example Usage



Example Usage


Web, Mobile

To convert the string into uppercase and store into some variable.

Param 1 : String to convert
Param 2 : Variable name to store the converted value

Example :

changeToUpperCaseAndStore : <String : BQURIOUS> <In Variable : bqVariable>

Converts BQURIOUS into lower case and store into variable bqVariable


Web, Mobile

To convert the string into lowercase and store into some variable.

Param 1 : String to convert
Param 2 : Variable name to store the converted value

Example :

changeToLowerCaseAndStore : <String : bqurious> <In Variable : bqVariable>

Converts bqurious into upper case and store into variable bqVariable


Web, Mobile

To concatenate two strings (mentioned in Parameter 1 and Parameter 2) and store the result in the specified variable(mentioned in Variable 3).

Param 1 : First string to concat
Param 2 : Second string to concat
Param 3 : Variable name to store the concatenated value

Example :

concatAndCopyString : <First String : Welcome > <Second String : to Bqurious> <In Variable : bqVariable>

Concatenates string Welcome & to Bqurious then stores the resultant value in variable bqVariable.