




Example Usage



Example Usage



To click the cell at Column Name or Index (mentioned in Parameter 1) & Row Index (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name or Index of Column
Param 2 : Index of Row

Example :

clickInGrid : <Object : bqTable> <Column Name/Index : Col1> <Row Index : 3>

Clicks in cell at Column Col1 & row 3 in table bqTable.



To perform the click operation in the table object (mentioned in Object Name) cell with column (mentioned in Parameter 3) at row identified by source column name (mentioned in Parameter 1) and column value (mentioned in Parameter 2) with which the row has to identified.

Param 1 : Header of the Source Column Header
Param 2 : Value in the Source column Cell
Param 3 : Name of the Target Column

Example :

clickInGridRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Header : CASE NUMBER> <Source Cell Value : 000020012> <Target Column Name : Action>

Clicks on the cell in column Action where row number needs to be found dynamically, with column CASE NUMBER and value 000020012 in bqTable.



To click the link (name or index mentioned in Parameter 3) located at Column (Name or Index mentioned in Parameter 1) and Row index (mentioned in Parameter 2). 

Param 1 : Name or Index of Column
Param 2 : Index of Row
Param 3 : Text or Index of Link

Example :

clickLinkInGrid : <Object : bqTable> <Column Name/Index : Col1> <Row Index : 3> <Link Text/Link Index : 2>

Clicks the second link located at Column Col1 and row 3 in table bqTable.



To click the link (link name or link index mentioned in Parameter 4) located at (Column Name mentioned in Parameter 3) and Row number will be identified by value (mentioned in Parameter 2) under column (mentioned in Parameter 1).

Param 1 : Name of the Source Column
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Name of the Target Column
Param 4 : Cell value or the index of the link

Example :

clickLinkInGridRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Col1> <Cell Value : 000000027> <Target Column Name : Col2> <Cell Value/Link Index : 2>

Clicks second link located at Column Col2 and row where value is 000000027 under column Col1 in table bqTable.




To copy the cell value at column (mentioned in Parameter 1) & row (mentioned in Parameter 2) in variable (mentioned in Parameter 3) for table (mentioned in object name).

Param 1 : Name or index of Source Column
Param 2 : Index of row
Param 3 : Variable name to store the value

Example :

copyCellValueFromGrid : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name/Index : Organization> <Row Index : 3> <In Variable : bqVariable>

Copies cell value in bqVariable from table bqTable for column Organization for row number 3.



To copy the cell value at column (mentioned in Parameter 3) & row identified by source column (mentioned in Parameter 1) and cell value (mentioned in Parameter 2), in (variable mentioned in Parameter 4) from table (mentioned in object name).

Param 1 : Name of Source Column
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Name or index of Target Column
Param 4 : Variable name to store the value

Example :

copyCellValueInGridRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Status> <Cell Value : Running> <Target Column Name : Organization> <In Variable : bqVariable>

Copies cell value in variable bqVariable from table bqTable for column Organization & row number identified with source column Status with value Running



To copy the total number of rows inside the table (mentioned in Object Name) into variable (mentioned in parameter 1). 

Param 1 : Variable name to store the value

Example :

copyGridRowCount : <Object : companyTable> <In Variable : rowCount>

Copies the total number of rows inside the table companyTable into variable rowCount.



To copy the total number of columns inside the table (mentioned in Object Name) into variable (mentioned in parameter 1).

Param 1 : Variable name to store the value

Example :

copyGridColumnCount : <Object : companyTable> <In Variable : colCount>

Copies the total number of columns inside the table companyTable into variable colCount.



To de-select the checkbox (index mentioned in Parameter 3, by default it is 1) with column (mentioned in Parameter 1) and row index (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name of Source Column
Param 2 : Index of row
Param 3 : Checkbox index

Example :

deSelectCheckboxInGrid : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Case Number> <Row Index : 4> <Checkbox Index : 2>

De-selects second checkbox in column Case Number and row 4 in table bqTable.



To de-select the checkbox (index mentioned in Parameter 3, by default it is 1) with row number identified by value (mentioned in Parameter 2) under column (mentioned in Parameter 1).

Param 1 : Name of Source Column
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Checkbox index

Example :

deSelectCheckboxlValueInGridRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Col1 > <Cell Value : 000000027> <Checkbox Index : 2>

De-selects second checkbox in row identified with value 000000027 under column Col1 in table bqTable.



To select the checkbox (index mentioned in Parameter 3, by default it is 1) with column (mentioned in Parameter 1) & row number (mentioned in Parameter 2).

Param 1 : Name of Source Column
Param 2 : Index of row
Param 3 : Checkbox index

Example :

selectCheckboxInGrid : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Case Number> <Row Index : 4> <Checkbox Index : 2>

Selects second checkbox in column Case Number and row 4 in table bqTable.



To select the checkbox (index mentioned in Parameter 3, by default it is 1) with Row number identified by value (mentioned in Parameter 2) under column (mentioned in Parameter 1).

Param 1 : Name of Source Column
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Checkbox index

Example :

selectCheckboxInGridRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Col1> <Cell Value : 000000027> <Checkbox Index : 2>

Selects the second checkbox in row identified with value is 000000027 under column Col1 in table bqTable.



To enter the value (mentioned in Parameter 1) in editor object (mentioned in objectName).

Param 1 : Value to set

Example :

setValueInEditor : <Object : bqEditor> <Value : bqurious>

Sets bqurious in editor bqEditor



To verify that the cell in column (mentioned in Parameter 1) and row number (mentioned in Parameter 2) has value (mentioned in Parameter 3).

Param 1 : Name or Index of the Source Column
Param 2 : Index of the row
Param 3 : Value to verify

Example :

verifyCellValueInGrid : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name/Index : Col1> <Row Index : 4> <Value : 000000027>

Verifies that the cell at column Col1 and row number 4 has value 000000027, in table bqTable.



To verify that the cell in column (mentioned in Parameter 3) and row identified with column (mentioned in Parameter 1) and row value (value mentioned in Parameter 2), value is (value mentioned in Parameter 4).

Param 1 : Name of Source Column
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Name of Target Column
Param 4 : Value to verify

Example :

verifyCellValueInGridRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Case Number> <Cell Value : 000000027> <Target Column Name : Status> <Value : 000000027>

Verify that the cell at target column Status and row identified with source column Case Number and row value 000000027 has value closed, in table bqTable.



To verify the link (name/index mentioned in Parameter 4) located at target column (Name mentioned in Parameter 3) and Row number identified by value (mentioned in Parameter 2) under source column (mentioned in Parameter 1) exists in table (table name mentioned in object).

Param 1 : Name of Source Column
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Name Target Column
Param 4 : Link text to verify

Example :

verifyLinkExistsInAllGridRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Col1> <Cell Value : 000000027> <Target Column Name : Case Number> <Link Text To Verify: case1>

Verifies that the link case1 exists under target column Case Number and row where value is 000000027 under source column Col1 in table bqTable.



To verify if cell, under column (mentioned in Parameter 1), value is (value mentioned in Parameter 2) in table (table name mentioned in object).

Param 1 : Name or index of column
Param 2 : Expected Cell value

Example :

verifyCellValueInAllGrid : <Object : bqTable> <Column Name/Index : Company Name> <Cell Value : bqurious>

Verifies that the cell value is bqurious under Column Company Name in table bqTable.



To verify if cell, located at target column (Name/index mentioned in Parameter 3) and row number, identified by cell value (mentioned in Parameter 2) under source column (mentioned in Parameter 1), value is (value mentioned in Parameter 4) in table (table name mentioned in object).

Param 1 : Name of the Source Column
Param 2 : Cell Value
Param 3 : Name of the Target Column
Param 4 : Value to verify

Example :

verifyCellValueInAllGridRelative : <Object : bqTable> <Source Column Name : Col1> <Cell Value : 000000027> <Target Column Name : Case Number> <Value to Verify : Case1>

Verifies if cell value is Case1 under Column Case Number and row where value is 000000027 under column Col1 in table bqTable.



To verify if the total number of rows in the table (table mentioned in Object Name) is value mentioned in parameter 1.

Param 1 : Expected total number of rows

Example :

verifyGridRowCount : <Object : companyTable> <Total Rows : 15>

Verifies if the total number rows in grid companyTable is 15.



To verify if the total number of columns in the table (table mentioned in Object Name) is value mentioned in parameter 1.

Param 1 : Expected total number of columns

Example :

verifyGridColumnCount : <Object : companyTable> <Total Rows : 15>

Verifies if the total number columns in grid companyTable is 15.