How to work with updated Edge browser (if updated version is not supported in current release)?

How to check of the build is currently supported by BQ or not?

For Browser :

  1. Launch Edge.

  2. Navigate to Settings

  3. Under General, scroll down completely. About the app section will be displayed.
    Microsoft Edge
    Microsoft EdgeHTML xx.xxxxx
    The number within the red box is the build number.

In this case, the build number is 18362.

For Windows System :

  1. Launch cmd

  2. Run the command systeminfo
    OS Version will be displayed like :
    OS Version xx.x.xxxxx N/A Build xxxxx
    The number displayed after Build is the build number.

Both the build numbers will be same.



Steps to make the tests up and running :

  1. Launch cmd in Run as Administrator mode & run the command dism /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:Microsoft.WebDriver~~~~

  2. Search for MicrosoftWebDriver.exe under C:\Windows\system32

  3. Add MicrosoftWebDriver.exe to the sellibs folder on the client.

After performing these steps, the tests should work on Edge.