Common Errors - How to debug and fix them

Element not found, using any of the provided locators

This error will be displayed in the below scenarios

  1. Element is not present/displayed on the page.
    Report the issue.

  2. You are not on the correct page.
    Update the script to navigate to the correct page.

  3. You are on the correct page but the element property is not correct.
    For this, try creating a unique element property and add it in new line in the element properties pop up.
    If you need guidance in creating element properties, please refer to Locators. You can directly navigate to Locating by XPath.

  4. You are on the correct page, element property is also correct but the element visibility issue exists.
    For this, select Don’t check visibility check in the element properties pop up

  5. If you have verified the above points and still receive the error, it could be due to the element being within a frame.
    Inspect the element and check if the element is within an iframe. If yes, check the frame path/frame name and update the same in the element properties pop up (if it is not already displayed)

    How to check if the element is within an iframe?
    a- Inspect the desired element
    b- Click on the source code and press Ctrl+F
    c- Type //iframe in the search bar


    d- Check under which iframe does the desired element exists.
    In this case the desired element Name textbox lies under the first iframe.
    e- Copy the value on the attribute name


    f- Open the object property pop up and paste this value (in our case : vfFrameId_1681476731391) in the Frame Path field as /vfFrameId_1681476731391 and since the element is under the 1st frame (in our case) enter /1 as the Frame Index


For SFDC (Echo Aptumo), most of the elements under Settings are within iframe.
If you are unable to find the Frame Path and Frame Index fields in the object property pop up, please try searching the object in the Object Container and then update the Frame Path and Frame Index.

Element is not enabled

This error will be displayed in the below scenarios

  1. Element is not enabled.
    Update the script to wait for the element to be enabled or add required steps to make the element enabled.

  2. You are on the correct page, element is being displayed as enabled and the property is correct.
    For this, select Don’t check enabled check in the element properties pop up
    This usually happens in case of checkboxes.